

Memory Cafe - Beyond bingo Inc Logo with bubbles.jpg

To Support everyone during this challenging time, we have taken our Monthly Memory Cafe - ONLINE and we have expanded them to a weekly format!  Each Thursday we are joining together, from noon to 2pm, (come when you can, stay as long as you are able!) via ZOOM to support each other, make new friends, learn more important coping skills and approaches, engage with our loved one in a positive and enjoyable experience, and have some fun and laughter!

This week, we will be exercising!  Keeping fit and active is not only good for our bodies, but it is good for our minds and spirits too!  We will be spending some time discussing types of exercise and then doing a short session of specialized chair yoga.  A specialized style focused on maintaining joint flexibility, good posture and strong lungs, this exercise modality is accessible and safe for all. 

Last week we had a GREAT session!  We were joined by Jim Jeske, a children's Librarian and professional storyteller from San Francisco who told us several wonderful stories by Syd Lieberman - born in Chicago, Syd was a Lifetime Achievement Award winner from the National Storytelling Network.  you can find more information about the stories Syd told at his website

If you would like to hear these stories, please visit Beyond Bingo on Facebook or my website where I will be posting and sharing recordings later today!

As part of our time together we not only listened to stories, but we shared our own!  Storytelling is a pastime as old as humanity and sharing in the telling of stories is a wonderful way to stay connected to our loved ones.  Attached you will find the Caregiver support documents that cover the benefits of storytelling, storytelling resources, hows and whys and ways to be successful and even preserve our stories and much more! 

Additionally, we learned about StoryCorps - StoryCorps is an American non-profit organization whose mission is to record, preserve, and share the stories of Americans from all backgrounds and beliefs.  Stories recorded with StoryCorps are saved to the Library of Congress.  StoryCorps not only has 1000s of interesting stories to listen to, but a free downloadable app allows you and your loved one to share your stories.  Also, StoryCorps Connect is a special segment available right now that is dedicated to collecting our stories of Quarantine during this time.  You will definitely want to take the time to check out  

i look forward to seeing you this week and hope you will join us for some enjoyable time together and an opportunity to connect to our larger community.  

For your convenience - Following you will find the Zoom Invitation for this Thursday's session below. 

Hope to see you all there!!!  

Colleen Koziara is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Memory Cafe Time:
Apr 23, 2020 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Thu, Apr 23, 2020 12:00 PM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

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