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BEYOND BINGO – ONLINE OFFERINGS!  Access and Information

Good morning!  Beginning today, Beyond Bingo will be offering a variety of programming and supportive materials and activities online and via email to support seniors and their communities and staff in continuing to stay engaged and creative during our time in quarantine. 

These programs will be provided via a variety of providers and formats.
An email schedule will be sent out later today and each day there are changes or updates.
If you would like to access these programs you may go to any of the following locations

Always look for our logo!     

Website: we will be posting all programming here after it is aired.

Facebook:  we will be sharing completed programming here as well as conducting FACEBOOK LIVE programs

YouTube: then search for BeyondBingo.  Be sure to subscribe and request notifications when new videos and links are uploaded.

ZOOM:  If you and/or your community, or friends would like to join me for interactive Zoom Gatherings – please reply to this email and include the email address or mobile phone number where you would like to receive your invitations.  To participate in these services you will need to download the Zoom App. (it is free) to either your computer or phone, notebook computer or Ipad.  Having a microphone and camera on your home computer, or using the same on your mobile devices will allow you to not only attend/view, but participate, contribute and be seen by the entire group. 


FINALLY – Note for access of programming in Senior Communities.  If you still conducting group gatherings in your community, you can show the programming on your large TV. 

If you have a Smartphone and a Smart TV – you can do what is known as CASTING – This allows you to show the image on your phone or Ipad screen onto the large smart TV in your community room. Instructions for doing this vary from TV to TV (based upon brand and model) and phone to phone (i.e., Samsung vs IPhone, etc.) Please check your settings screen on your TV for further information, or Google CASTING from your specific phone to your specific TV for tailored instructions.

For Tech Savvy Seniors and those who are on in-room quarantine – This can be done in their apartments as well, from their smartphones to their Smart TVs.

What do we have Planned???  Well! We have a number of wonderful programs planned for the next few weeks, including painting, creativity, maybe even some clay working, yoga, meditation, drumming! with Helen Bond (grab those drums folks and lets make some beautiful sounds together!!), a program on the history of Drum making and society and the Benkadi Project in Guinea, West Africa, also with Helen; A surprise musical program!! J (you will just have to stay tuned for information on that special event); Some educational programs on the United Kingdom; AND…efforts are being made to host several Human Library sessions as well!  Never Heard of a Human Library?  Well, here is your first chance to follow along with Beyond Bingo and expand you mind and your world!!

Be Safe.  Be Well. Be Healthy!   There is an opportunity in each and every challenge.  Let’s Find It Together!

Interactive Links!These 12 famous museums offer virtual tours you can take on your couch VIRTUAL FIELD TRIPS…

Interactive Links!

These 12 famous museums offer virtual tours you can take on your couch


Over 30 Virtual Field Trips with Links*v0w1kwMJRaIL8Z0j51HClQ

You Can Virtually Tour A Whole Bunch Of National Parks From Your Couch

Google Earth Has Virtual Tours of 31 National Parks in the U.S

The Georgia Aquarium Has Live Cams So You Can Go Under The Sea At Home

Milwaukee County Zoo offers livestream of animals

Welcome to Virtual School Activities! A collection of sites to live webcams, virtual tours/trips, and other miscellaneous fun academic sites.

Center for Puppetry Arts to livestream performances for free

Let YogaVista.TV be your Temporary Yoga Home!

These are the internet providers offering free WiFi during coronavirus

Use Your Time in Isolation to Learn Everything You’ve Always Wanted To: Free Online Courses, Audio Books, eBooks, Movies, Coloring Books & More

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ARTCARD - Sunflowers - Acrylic-Basic-page-002.jpg
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Beyond Bingo, Inc., in partnership with Family Services of Lake County, The Sheridan at Green Oaks, and funded by a Grant from the Spungen Family Foundation, will be presenting a year of Memory Cafés.

Memory Cafés offer the opportunity, free of charge, for those with Alzheimer’s Disease and their caregivers to take a break from the rigors of caregiving, and reconnect in a relaxed and enjoyable setting not only with each other, but with others who share their situation. Thru specially designed and facilitated programming, presented by professionals specifically trained in working with this very special population, participants will have a chance to relax and enjoy themselves in a supportive environment that promotes engagement and positive experiences for those living with the challenges of Alzheimer’s disease. These sessions will also include educational materials related to the topic each month that provide not only tips on how to recreate their experiences at home, but also information about the disease, ways to manage the challenges of caregiving, and links and contact information for resources and support services in the area. The full year schedule will be released later this month. RSVP as space is limited. We look forward to having you join us!

Summer 2019 - There are very few things that make ya feel so completely like a kid again as throwing a bit of paint around does! What a day we had out at The Carillon! The Carillon hosts 6-week Recreating The Masters art courses 2x per year and this…

Summer 2019 - There are very few things that make ya feel so completely like a kid again as throwing a bit of paint around does! What a day we had out at The Carillon! The Carillon hosts 6-week Recreating The Masters art courses 2x per year and this was our Jackson Pollock Action Painting experience!




2018 has been a marvelous and BUSY year!
Beyond Bingo, Inc., will celebrate its 5th Anniversary this September and my dream of spending my days engaging directly with seniors in a respectful, creative and meaningful way that honors them as individuals has become reality.  Yes, there have been challenges, but they have been minor, and have been far outweighed by the successes and the feeling of truly loving how I spend my days and the opportunity this work provides for making a difference in the lives of our seniors. 

In May of 2018 Beyond Bingo Incorporated!  

Murals To Remember™ became a trademarked program and helped seniors in 4 states join together with family members and caregivers to create beautiful works of art that renewed their sense of confidence in their skills and abilities and provided social, emotional, physical and intellectual engagement as well as creating a lasting point of focus for reminiscence programs for years to come. Murals To Remember™ had the opportunity to be a part of its first Mobile Murals To Remember™ program!  Wait til you see those pictures!!!

Sage-ing Circles - coming in September 2018!  Are you retired or nearing retirement?  How are you going to spend your retirement? Do you have dreams or goals you hope to accomplish?  Do you feel a desire to serve or give back to your community? Are you one of many that has NO IDEA what you are going to do with yourself now that you have all this free time?!  Well, this 12 week experience might be just what you are looking for.  Watch here for details!

Coursework being created based upon Taking Flight! 
Expected release date - 4th Quarter of 2018

A week long training course is being finalized, submitted for review, approval and certification on Whole Life Wellness Engagement Training. Training will be designed to be appropriate for caregivers interacting with seniors in their own families; seniors staying in home; at senior communities of all care levels; and senior centers.  

Just a few of the extraordinary individuals that we have been honored to work with over the years.







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